Friday, May 15, 2015

Tiny2.0 Weeks 16-18

Week 16.

Week 17.

Week 18.

How far along? 18 weeks!
Baby Size: Baby is the size of a bell pepper. 
Total weight gain/loss: 15 lbs. :( Oops.....At this rate, I'm going to gain 40#!!
Maternity clothes? Yes! Bought 3 pair of Lululemon shorts in a size up, 3 pair of casual shorts, bought a few tank tops, and borrowed a TON of clothes from 3 different friends - haven't worn much of it yet...BUT I have options now! My pre-maternity (lower half of the body) clothes are too tight...but most of my tank tops, button up shirts and dresses still fit. Yay for flowy clothes being in fashion! 
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep: Wake up almost every night for 30-45 minutes and have a hard time going back to sleep. Also started sleeping with a body pillow since I'm typically a stomach sleeper. Having to get use to that...though I sometimes wake up on my stomach and have a mini freak out. 
Best moment this week: Hearing #2's heartbeat again. With Nora I had 8 ultrasounds during the pregnancy, with this one they only plan to do 3 total. So, it's always reassuring to hear those tiny thumps to let you know everything is ok in there. 
Miss Anything? Regular coffee and deli turkey. Oh and crossfit workouts. 
Movement: A little bit, but it's really random - mostly at night when I'm sitting down.
Food cravings: Granola, bagels, peanut butter and icecream (soft serve) and cheese. I lived on cheese and crackers weeks 5-10 and then didn't want it for weeks. Now I'm back to wanting dairy again. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Randomly, but nothing compared to weeks 5-10.
Food aversions: I typically crave salads and veggies and I'm not having aversions to them, just not having any interest in them. 
Have you started to show yet: Oh yeah...hello belly. (And thighs.)
Gender: Still think it's a girl based on the dream I had.
Labor Signs: Nope 
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On! Loose actually.
Mood? Excited! But VERY tired at the end of each day. Recently I'll lay down for a few minutes while Nora is napping - even if I don't sleep, it's nice to rest. 
Looking forward to:  Finding out the gender on June 3rd!! YAY! 

I run and/or walk at least 3 miles almost every single day. I also try to do a home WODs 3x a week. Getting motivated to do it while Nora is sleeping is the hardest thing. Plus if I don't do it before noonish, I'm too tired later in the day. Nora definitely keeps me that she likes to wear shoes (Praise Jesus!!) she prefers to RUN everywhere and hates to be stroller bound. So we've spent a ton of time at the park. I'm sure most of my days will be spent in workout clothes. 

I've made a list of things to do see/do in and around Baltimore so Nora and I are hoping to have weekly adventures to help break up the normal routine and get me out of the house. If I stay in the house too much, I've found myself going stir crazy and then freaking out and deep cleaning everything. Next week's adventures...the fountains in the inner harbor and strawberry picking. Will report back when I have pictures. :) 

Weeks 5-10ish (when I was SO nauseous) made me feel like 2.0 was a boy. BUT, now that everything is starting to feel like it did last pregnancy, I'm thinking it might be a girl again. We haven't started talking to Nora about the baby in mommy's belly yet...we decided once I really start to show and we've learned the sex (maybe around 6 months) we'd start talking with her more about her new sibling. She's just so precious...I'm trying to enjoy my time with one and spoil her a little. 

And another picture from 18 weeks because I know no one wants to see my bare belly anymore. :)