Wednesday, July 19, 2017

2017 - Week 28

July 10.
Morning Tot Lot play followed by a grocery store run to pick up some goodies since daddy doesn't have to work tonight. Kiddos picked out flower cupcakes...and Rad wanted to get him an Elmo card. Sister LOVES pushing the tiny cart. To say they were excited for an evening with daddy that included a treat was an understatement.

July 11.
Two big kiddos!! I turned Rad's carseat around to ride like his sister. A visit to BJ's for beach chairs, porch stooping, trying on all our winter gear. And of course since it's 7/11...we stopped by 7-Eleven for National Slurpee day for a free treat. Perfect when it's 90 degrees outside! YUM!

July 12.
All kinds of craziness going on today. Minions attire, swording flighting, my little dude in a Batman dress, sister eating a popsicle naked except for a scarf, and making wild faces for the camera.

July 13.
Started the morning off with a pool party (which Nora decided it was too hot to actually put her suit on and opted to lounge in pjs). Cupcakes, making chicken salad (which apparently they both love currey chicken salad!) and protein balls, and lots and lots of stickers.

July 14.
Celebrating that it's FRIDAY! A visit to Outsiders Crossfit to WOD with Jessica and go to lunch. Then a trip to the book store to snuggle with stuffed animals and read books all afternoon. Quick car naps then a haircut for brother - looking SO old!

July 15.
Lunch out with daddy means we want to dress like him...wearing his glasses and his work polo. Sister was being silly at the restaurant and brother even wanted to wear his shirt in the car for afternoon errands. The new thing...wearing "Boo" his elephant on his head - especially when he's sleeping.

July 16.
An early morning run resulted in a few quiet minutes alone by the water for momma!! Took my new book and read - what a treat. Playground fun with daddy followed by a Rita's treat to beat the heat. As always sister is being silly. Before we know it, brother is going to master those monkey bars!

2017 - Week 27

July 3.
Just a lazy day of running some errands (which turned disastrous when Rad insisted on switching place and pushing Nora...of course wanting NO help from Momma and almost knocking down a HUGE shoes display at DSW. Oops) and basement selfies.

July 4.
Hanging with the family at G and Pops house. Grilled out burgers, riding bikes, water balloons, popsicles, playing in buckets of water and hanging with the cousins. What a great holiday!

July 5.
What's better than a slurpee or icecream? COMBINING them for a Gelati...the kids were in heaven with their Rita's treat. The new daily request. We acted like Daniel Tiger this morning and went on an "adventure" complete with imaginary binoculars and tree hugging. We picked up every leaf and stick in the park. A little costume/daddy's tshirt wearing in the afternoon.

July 6.
Brother wasn't even completely awake when he started requesting Moana painting at 7am...look at that daze. Sister boycotted her nap instead making a huge mess of her room, stripping her clothes and opting for mommy's clean laundry that was piled up on the guest bed. Coconut curry chicken for dinner - ALL 4 family members loved it!!

July 7.
Morning swim at the gym with our buddies Kellen and cute were they? Sister and I spent nap time digging up all the dead flowers from the pots. Rad is now obsessed with trucks and cars...wanting to race and crash them ALLLL the time.

July 8.
Celebrated my nephew Michael at his laser tag birthday party!! He had SO many friends come to celebrate him - they played arcade games and laser tag. The kiddos loved the cupcakes and glow in the dark lights. Nora wasn't sure about the actual laser tag, but brother LOVED shooting all the big kids!

July 9.
Daddy had to work, so we tried to stay busy. Playing with our party goodies, a trip to the park (but it was SO hot we spent most of the time in the shade), digging in dirt to make "dinner" for mommy on the back porch, and letting my little Picasso paint outside while brother took a nap.

Friday, July 7, 2017

2017 - Week 26

June 26.
Play date with Kerry, Austin and Kyle. Loved visiting their new house in the much space to play!! Kiddos helped me make a spaghetti squash casserole - they loved peeling the "noodles" out of the squash.

June 27.
Early morning car watching in our pjs and drinking yogurt. My team headed to feed the ducks, but they were all napping, so Rad chased them until they woke up. We instead went on an adventure around the lake looking for bugs.

June 28.
Chaz woke us up early telling us we were headed out of town a day we quickly packed - goggles, ear phones and all and headed for the airport. We experienced our first Coney Island chili dogs, squeezed all 4 of us into a seat and ventured through the airport with LOTS of luggage (and carseats). Brother couldn't hang with the day...he was exhausted by the time we arrived at the hotel.

June 29.
Morning trip to the Detroit zoo with the cousins. Brother loved the bears and sister loved the butterflies. What an awesome zoo!! Afternoon swimming at the hotel pool...they were so excited!!! That as until brother lost a battle with the pool deck.

June 30.
Took the kiddos to see Despicable Me 3, played at a giant mall playground that was entirely shaped like food items (absolutely love Ava's corn pose), played in Bass Pro shop and of course had to purchase the pop guns, then ate at Rainforest Cafe. It was a FULL day of FUN!

July 1.
Started the day off with family breakfast - got to see Chaz's grandparents for the first time in a while. Then we headed to the company holiday party at the lake. Kiddos enjoyed fishing, playing on the playground, digging in sand and yummy treats. Perfect weather for a great day with family and Chaz's company. Grateful for the trip to visit Michigan.

July 2.
Time to head home...airports are for playing on moving sidewalks, coloring, taking selfies and finaly napping on the shuttle bus. Then we got to celebrate Michael's 6th birthday!!!! How is he SIX already?? Birthday boy wanted Dinosaur BBQ and cupcakes. He got to play with his new sword and nerf machine gun and everyone was covered in blue icing! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

2017 - Week 25

June 19.
Early morning chalk and snacks followed by a workout then playing at G's house with the cousins. Hula hoops, relaxing and watching shopkins videos and gatorade drinking. Daddy was out of town, so I ordered our favorite - Zatarr. We LOVE this restaurant.

June 20.
Nothing says summer like swinging at the Tot Lot and an icecream treat. These two were all smiles today. Sister and I enjoyed a GIANT tea party while brother napped.

June 21.
Target trip isn't complete without a random purchase request - today as giant rubber balls. Took the kiddos on a picnic date to the waterfront...and we brought the new balls with us. That night we played with Daddy's clipper guards - they kept calling them "daddy's hair clips". HA.

June 22.
This girl cracks me up - yoga and singing to herself in the fridge reflection. Brother wore his police costume almost all day. A trip to Whole Foods yeilded some yummy treats that aren't always in the house...we had pancakes for dinner that night.

June 23.
Just another day of being took a car nap, so sister and I played in the front seat, then they made a huge mess of the kitchen - getting every single cutting board and snack bag out. Brother insisted on wearing his bathing suit for afternoon playtime. Sister asked to sleep in one of mommy's tanktops - it was a cute dress on her.

June 24.
Daddy is home!! Family day date...a walk to the farmers market, eating Mexican food in Fells Point, popsicles at the fitness fair in Harbor East and posing for the camera. Love my little crew.

June 25.
After an 8 mile run, mommy was craving donuts. Everyone was happy!! Brother joined me on the trip to pick them up because he will jump at any chance to ride Harry the dragon. Afternoon with cousins running through the water fountains downtown.