Tuesday, April 23, 2013

New Name...New Blog!

A lot is happening in my life recently. I've gotten married, I've finished up working at ITF 280, I'm preparing for a new job/becoming a business owner in Atlanta, I'm prepping our crowded condo for a 200 mile move - even though I don't know where we are moving yet, I'm nursing a back injury even though I cannot pinpoint how I hurt it, I'm attempting to read a book a week like I use to before I met Chaz, and my "to do" list constantly grows instead of shrinking.

With the name change and the move, I felt it only fitting that I start a new blog. I convinced Chaz the other day to go for a walk through Highland park. Chaz, a man who hates going on walks because he says I don't just enjoy the walk, I treat it like a workout agreed without hesitation. On our walk we discussed the plans for ITF John's Creek and things we want to work on personally once we move to ATL. First on my list - write more. So...in efforts of creating this new blog, I hope to be more diligent about writing and share my life/ambitions/struggles/goals/books/etc with everyone. Transparency. 

I write because I'm an extremely fast typer (ask Peggy, she's mesmerized by listening to my fingers peck the keys) and it's a whole lot easier for me to put my thoughts onto a computer than to write them in a journal. I hope to share my adventures, the ups and downs of married life, and the silly situations we get ourselves into. Enjoy.

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