Friday, September 20, 2013

16 week update!

16 weeks and counting!!!

The above picture (left and middle) is what I look like right after I eat lunch - the time of the day where I'm the biggest...not sure why I'm posting, actually. BUT...I do look the most pregnant mid-day after I've had a bunch of food and water. Picture on the right...and attempt to flex my abs - there isn't much left of those anymore. :( I should start taking my pictures right when I wake up...belly won't be so poochy then!!

I ONLY wear shorts when I'm working out...and sometimes not even then. Yesterday my workout had running and I didn't want to die outside, so I switched the uniform of black capris for my largest pair of shorts. I have 16 (!!!) pair of Lululemon shorts that are just wasting away in my drawer right now. Only about 6 more months and I can wear them! Yea!!

This week was awesome...because we got to hear Tiny! We had our 4 month appointment ultrasound. But we did get to hear Tiny's heartbeat - which is extremely fast!!! And while listening to the heart, every now and then you'd hear a crackle said that was Tiny moving his/her arms and legs. I cannot feel any movements yet, but my lower ab muscles are stretching daily - it feels like someone is trying to stretch out my skin. I'm read for the day when I feel a big flutter!! Chaz put his ear to my stomach each night to listen for Tiny, but all he can hear/feel is my stomach digesting or my heartbeat. Soon.

Hearing you baby's heartbeat is so surreal...there is a tiny little 5 oz (size of a small sweet potato) human living in my stomach! And whatever I put into my body...that little human feeds off of. So...up until this point, all I was craving was bread, cheese and sweets. Things have started to shift a little this week. The one thing I cannot get enough of is hard boiled eggs. Between Chaz and myself we have eaten 2 1/2 dozen!! Those and grapes are top of the list of things I enjoy. Still not begging to have veggies, but I'm liking the idea of broccoli...finally. :)

So...I know all the warnings tell pregnant women not to eat deli meat...well, I did!! DONT TELL! Chaz and I went to Panera after my doctor's visit and I wanted SO badly a Bacon Turkey Bravo. So...I had them put it into the panini press to warm the meat. I like to hope that was a good solution to the no deli meat warning. Yes...I know that a sandwich is not paleo!! BUT I had gotten good news from the doctor: from week 12 to week 16 I had gained ZERO lbs!! That's right. My composition is changing, but my weight is not. Praise the Lord. I'm hovering around a 10ish lb gain total. Starting next week I'm going to attempt to eat as strict paleo as I can. I hope to eliminate those pesky goldfish!! :) pre-pregnancy jeans officially do NOT fit. :( I tried to put a pair of jeans on the other day and they did not button. I have upgraded to two pair of maternity jeans - that's belly extender!! And they are comfortable. I still mostly wear workout clothes which have a ton of stretch to them...but some of my ITF tank tops have been retired because they are VERY snug through the middle.

My energy levels vary depending on the day. Monday's are the best because I'm rested from the weekend. Thursday's are the hardest because it's day number 4 that I've woken up at 4am and gone to bed past 9pm. Last weekend I had a huge pregnancy meltdown - of which, I can't even remember the reason. Needless to say...after a crying fit - just like a little baby - I took a nap. What I thought would be just a short cat nap turned into 2 hours. Then about 2 hours later I took ANOTHER nap for an hour. The next day...another nap!! So..what did I do all weekend?? Sleep! Haha.

I'm still working out...almost as prescribed. What could I NOT do this week: L Pullups, kettlebell sit-ups, regular sit-ups, and demo knees to elbows in 101. Basically anything with ab movements...I'm avoiding. No splitting abs for this lady!! I scale the weight some days...but when the 1x split jerk came up...I wanted to see how much I could do. I got 145 which I was VERY pleased with. That will probably be the last day I go heavy overhead until after Tiny arrives. I was obsessed with rowing until yesterday. I've rowed somewhere between 5-15K a week and I'm over it!! I ran 2000 meters yesterday and it felt maybe I'll be pounding the pavement more now!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

14 weeks

How far along? 14 weeks...but feeling like 40.
Baby Size: Baby is the size of a large orange
Total weight gain/loss: Who knows?? I don't own a scale. :)
Maternity clothes? Lots of BLACK pants.
Stretch marks? Better not get any - using LOTS of lotion. 
Sleep: Wake up EVERy night between 2:08-2:12 to go to the bathroom. Maybe Tiny's always awake then?? Haven't had dreams in a long time. Think it's because I'm only getting about 6 hours of sleep a night now that I'm waking up at 4am.
Best moment this week: Having one day where I had so much energy I worked out twice! MY energy is starting to come back!
Miss Anything? Deli meat - I want a turkey sandwich SO badly
Movement: The other night I had a stomach gurgle that I SWEAR was Tiny...only happen once though, so it was hard to tell. 

Food cravings: Still wanting goldfish. And chicken salad. I would give ANYTHING for OCarrs.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Actually, nothing at all.
Have you started to show yet: Belly gets bigger as the day goes on.
Gender: To be determined...We keep guessing girl...
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In, but the skin around my belly button is very tight!
Wedding rings on or off? On...and feeling skinny actually.
Mood? Good. The more pregnant I look, the better I feel about actually being pregnant. I also recently joined a discipleship group where all the ladies have children. Hearing them talk about kids is making me more excited about this new arrival. 
Looking forward to:  Potentially finding out the sex in a few weeks!!

13 Weeks

How far along? 13 weeks...but it feels like forever
Baby Size: Baby is the size of a large peach.
Total weight gain/loss: 10+ lbs and counting
Maternity clothes? Not really a big fan of shorts these days. Mostly long dresses and capri's at work.
Stretch marks? Better not get any - using LOTS of lotion. 
Sleep: WEIRD dreams!
Best moment this week: This is sad, but nothing is standing out to me....pregnancy brain. 

Miss Anything? Still missing over-easy eggs. 
Movement: Lots of lower abdomen cramping...maybe Tiny moving??
Food cravings: Goat cheese, goldfish and chocolate!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Starting to want veggies more!
Have you started to show yet: BUMP is in full force!! 
Gender: To be determined...
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In, but the skin around my belly button is very tight!

Wedding rings on or off? fingers haven't changed in size at all actually.
Mood? Feeling really poopy this week - a little under the weather with a sore throat, aches and ears hurting. Think I had a touch of something.
Looking forward to:  Starting to show so I can get clothes actually made for a pregnant body.