Thursday, November 14, 2013

24 Weeks - 6 MONTHS!!

How far along? 24 weeks. HOLY MOLY...I'm 6 months pregnant! 
Baby Size: Baby is about 1 1/3 lbs and a foot long!!
Total Weight Gain: 15 lbs...but feels like 35! 
Maternity clothes? Not for work...but I love maternity pants on the weekends!! I will admit, I wore Chaz's ITF shirt to work today because it fits a LOT better than mine does. Less laundry to do? :)
Stretch marks? No, thankfully!! :)
Sleep: Was sleeping really well until last week - I got bronchitis and have been coughing NON stop for 5 days straight. The nights are the worst...I'm ready to have a night where I sleep all the way until morning. The day where I sleep through the night, it will be a miracle. 
Best moment this week: Listening to Nora's heartbeat at my 6 month appointment - the doctor said it was SUPER strong. Every evening sitting in my chair at home and watching her dance in my belly. She always responds when daddy gets close to talk to her and puts his hand on my stomach. 
Worst moment this week: Not sleeping...because of which, I now have a horrible eye twitch. :( Which also affects not wanting to workout. Workouts have been lacking this week because I don't have a ton of energy. Also having to get bloodwork done for my glucose test...I hate bloodwork and needles. 
Miss Anything? Overeasy Eggs...STILL!! I cannot wait to eat an eggs Benedict! 
Movement: EVERYDAY!! She moves like clockwork - around 7am, 10am, 3pm and 8pm. Her new favorite spot to kick is my ribs. Awesome!! 
Food cravings: Chick Fil A, Mexican and Chocolate. And this is really random...because I'm not a drinker at all...but recently I've wanted a beer. Weird!! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Actually, nothing at all.
Have you started to show yet: HECK YES!! People stare at the grocery store. I've only had one stranger so far as to touch my stomach - that was a weird experience. 
Gender: Baby girl...NORA LYNN!
Labor Signs: No, but I get a really bad stomach cramps if I eat and then sit in one place for too long. It's a stitch on my left sign. I basically want to lay down every time I have a meal. Fat kid moment.
Belly Button in or out? Bordering on an outie. :( 
Wedding rings on or off? On...and fingers feeling skinny actually.
Mood? Exhausted. Between being sick and lots going on at the gym, I'm exhausted. 
Looking forward to: THANKSGIVING!! Yummy food, time off work and REST! 

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