Sunday, January 8, 2017

2017 - Week 1

January 1.

Kicked off the new year with our traditional meal: black-eyed peas (which only Radford really liked), kale greens and crock-pot shredded pork. We had a day filled with my huge "to do" list...putting away Christmas, writing thank you notes, organizing my kitchen cabinets, organizing all the kids art supplies, paying bills, cleaning out closets and creating Goodwill giveaways. These things are are waaaay harder to do when you have 2 kiddos wanting to mess things up as you go!

January 2.

Another lazy day for Team Tillman. Everyone still isn't quite right with their sicknesses...we watched 2 movies, played with stamps and other Christmas goodies, "helped" deep clean bathrooms, do a zillllllion loads of laundry, and enjoy having daddy home for one more day.

January 3.

Stamps are a daily occurrence around here these days. Rad loves them...and yogurt smoothies, obviously. Sister begged me to watch Mickey even though I told her we were on a "no tv" week - I needed a break after the holiday binge watching. Grand plans of running errands were halted because of TONS OF RAIN. Saw this post on IG and saved it - SAHM's dreams definitely test their faith in God and His plan for us. Jeremiah 29:11.

January 4.

"Look Mommy! We look like astronauts!!" Love how they "assist" in doing dishes. HA! We pushed nap time back after church to escape into the 50+ degree weather and pretend it was spring time. We splashed in puddles, did swings, blew kisses to dogs, chased squirrels, and watched the school kids have recess. Everyone was allllll smiles to have gotten outside for fresh air.

January 5.

BACK to the doctor with this crew. Brother woke up with a croup cough and was scaring mommy and daddy with his gasping breathing. All is fine, but they gave him a prescription for a steroid to help with the inflammation in his airway. Got them to check Nora - turns out she STILL has a double ear infection - back on medication. Killing time at Target waiting for meds is always entertaining. And brother cant go anywhere without a Mickey something. :)

January 6.

Slowly feeling better. Lots of snuggles, movie watching, making beanie baby trains, chocolate chip cookies with breakfast and book reading happened today. SOOOOO over everyone being sick and this weather.

January 7.

Morning snuggles with daddy during this snow day. We got about an inch or so outside...too cold to play and not enough to go to the park and these runny noses and coughs are NOT JOKE. We opted for eating snow instead - each consuming about 3 bowls. A slow day at home meals momma has time to make a more intricate me - paleo chicken picatta. (See here for recipe: yummy. Even the kiddos approved.

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