Monday, January 23, 2017

2017 - Week 3

January 16.
We were supposed to have a play date with Kerry, Austin and Kyle but Kerry ended up taking Kyle to the doctor and Austin hung with us for the morning...the biker gang played with cars, ate snacks, dressed up and had a blast. Scooter rides with daddy are becoming a regular pre-dinner ritual the past few weeks.

January 17.
Morning visit to Storyville with Colin and Michaela. Playing in the kitchen, practicing our grilling skills, and building blocks. Afternoon in our pjs playing with playdough while brother naps. He chose tortillas and ranch for his post nap snack...this kid and his "dip dip". He gets it from daddy.

January 18.
The many faces of my kiddos. Ha! We had a CFA date after church this week...I had to win them over for a grocery run afterwards. Afternoon at home being silly, reading books and playing.

January 19.
Brother has started sleeping with a bed buddy - his elephant that Aunt Hilaire gave him the day he was born. Sweet boy. Toured Nora's potential pre-school for next fall (which we both loved!!) followed by a visit to a new place in town called Fort Fitness...we jumped on the moon bounce, put together puzzles, practiced out gymnastics skills, and ate tons of snacks because they were so worn out from playing.

January 20.
Morning visit to Port Discovery with Aunt Hil, AvaMae and Scar. We had a blast making bracelets, sliding, playing in the music room, climbing on everything and of course pausing for a pirates booty/applesauce snack break. Historic Day - Trump inauguration. Make America Great Again...Rad showing his support while we watched the days footage. Nora surprised us and knew EVERY SINGLE WORD to one of her books tonight...daddy snuck some footage of the event. #proudmomma

January 21.
Daddy was on call, so my crew and I took a trip to the mall. We rode the carousel, shopped, had a lunch date at Zoe's and played at the play area until they were sweaty and exhausted. Everyone thought skipping naps were we took selfies, read books and had everyone sleeping before 630pm.

January 22.
I love numbers in my workout, so when the treadmill hit this number, I knew it was time to stop. (1 min walk, 2 min jog, 1 min sprint..for 51 minutes will kick your rear!) I literally kicked myself during one of the sprints. Lazzzzzzy day at home...watching movies and football, laundry, bike rides, lots of cooking and enjoying each others company. Dinner was garlic green beans and mushrooms and paleo chicken picatta. YUM!!

1 comment:

  1. Love all the photos. The one with Rad Make America Great Again if my best and I Love the one with Nora on the bike is also great. Love you all Dad
