February 6.
Rad's 15 month appointment. He weights 26# and is healthy as a horse. We weren't slowed down by those 3 shots - we took advantage of the weather for a trip to the Tot Lot to play outside! Chalk drawings, tea parties and reading books with sister while Rad napped. Then an impromptu trip to RiteAid for milk complete with hugging the giant Valentine's Day animals.
February 7.
Started the morning off with music class - Rad LOVES to dance and play the instruments. Played at the park with Alice and Dennis afterwards. Both kiddos thought naps were overrated...so we met up with Lauren and Grayson to feed ducks and play at the other Patterson Park playground. What a randomly amazing 70 degree weather February day!
February 8.
We packed lunch in our Mickey backpack so after church we could hit up the local park in Timonium for slides and a picnic. Sister scootered during Rads nap and couldn't wait until daddy got home so he could take up to hit t-balls in the park. Is it seriously winter still?
February 9.
Back to cold reality of Baltimore today with freezing temperatures. We left the house to escape to Target - wondering the isles and trying on sunglasses and whatnot. Sister destroyed ALL of her bookshelf and brother went to work on his car. I made crockpot chicken and dumplings - delicious.
February 10.
Disney on Ice with the cousins, G, Aunt Hilaire. My Nora Belle and Radford Mouse loved the show and all the characters!! What a fun day and great experience. They were SOOO exhausted after the show and going out to lunch - but they got lots of compliments on their beautiful dresses!!
February 11.
Daddy-daughter date for Nora and Chaz. She opted to wear her Belle dress again. They had breakfast, went to the mall for carousel rides, picked out an Ewok at BuildABear and even got some new Vans to match daddy. Meanwhile...I hung with the teething, has a sinus-cold beast of a brother. We played swords, and made a huge mess painting and playing with shaving cream before he gave into the pain and took a 3 hour nap.
February 12.
Sunday Funday. Church and mexican date with my crew, organizing a few areas around the house - which can always get interesting with an almost 3 year old and 15 month old in tow, and making homemade peanut butter Valentine cookies with Nora.
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