Monday, February 6, 2017

Motivation Monday

Since buying the treadmill I've been quiet addicted to using it. I've worked out for the past 10 days in a row (minus Superbowl Sunday). I'm exhausted but loving this "runners high" I'm getting. Since training for the 1/2 marathon, I haven't been in the mood to just run for miles and miles on end, so these workouts have satisfied my desire to sweat like a pig, and incorporate other movements besides just running.

I don't share these to be like "hey! look what I did..." but more as a "hey, look what is possible at home without a gym and little equipment." I hope to inspire others that you don't need a ton of space or anything fancy to have 30-45 minutes to take care of yourself. I've found that if I take this time for myself, the rest of the day seems to fall into place and I'm in a way better mood.

Each workout was about 45 minutes long but rounds could be added or subtracted to make for longer or shorter workouts.

40 Minutes of:
1:15 sprint (8.0 speed)
:45 walk (4.0 speed)

**Modify by  changing speed or length of workout.**

2 Rounds:
2 min run (7.0 speed)
25 burpees
2 min run
25 press with 24# body bar
2 min run
25 SDHP with bar
2 min run
25 #20 dumbbell swing
2 min run
25 russian twist with #20 dumbbell
2 min run
25 front rack lunges (each leg) with bar

**Modify by only doing 1 round.**

3 Rounds:
800m Run (.5 miles)
50 pushups
50 situps
50 air squats

**Modify by doing 2 rounds OR 25 reps instead.**

4 Rounds:
4 min Run (6.5 speed)
1 min 20# dumbbell swings
1 min hip dips
1 min SDHP with bar
1 min press with bar
1 min burpees
1 min REST

**Modify by only doing 2-3 rounds.**

6 Rounds:
.25 run
15 OHS with bar
.25 run
15 thrusters with bar

**Modify by doing less rounds or air squats instead of with bar.**

1 mile Run
20 renegade row w/ #10 dumbbell, 2 lunges (each leg) holding dumbbells at shoulders, 5 burpees
18 row, 4 lunges each leg, 5 burpees
16, 6, 5
14, 8, 5
12, 10, 5
10, 12, 5
8, 14, 5
6, 16, 5
4, 18, 5
2, 20, 5
.5 mil Run

**Modify by removing the running at beginning and end OR removing burpees each set.**

3 Rounds:
8 min Run (6.0-7.4 increasing .2 each minute)
30 press with bar
30 burpees
60 sumo air squats

**Modify by running for 5 minutes instead and doing 30 squats instead.**

4 Rounds:
1 min walk (4.0 speed)
1 min jog (7.0)
1 min sprint (8.5)
1 min jog  (7.0)
1 min walk (4.0)
2 min jog (7.0)
1 min sprint (8.5)
2 min jog (7.0)

**Hardest workout so far.**
**Modify by doing 2-3 rounds and/or slowing down speed.**


10 min Run
15 Rounds:
5 burpees
10 press with bar
15 jumping squats
10 min Run

**Modify by doing 5-10 rounds instead OR removing the run at the end.**

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