March 27.
Monday morning shenanigans with the cousins. Playing at Fort Fitness - letting them get all their energy out in a jump house. Only stopping during the 2 hours for a quick snack break. Brother was worn out after the adventure. Quick stop at Target to get a few essentials for our trip - brother refused to sit in his seat and wanted to ride like this. Ha.
March 28.
Playing in mommy's old formal dresses - she loves dressing up!! It was a pjs kind of day with all the we pretended to be on a camp out in sister's tent, painted some Easter crafts, playing with the many, many random bags we have floating around this house and relaxed. These two love playing together!
March 29.
Happy 4th Anniversary to Chaz - he surprised me with flowers and breakfast after his workout this morning. :) After church we ventured to HomeGoods (where they ALWAYS have to play with the riding toys), to Target (again) for a quick errand...of which the new request at Target is sluprees. Brother threw his on the floor and it exploded in the lamp aisle. Oops. Afternoon spent playing with bubbles on the porch, and loving on the new "buddies" daddy brought home.
March 30.
Morning date with G to SipNBite for breakfast - brother ate more whipped cream from his pancakes than anything else. For the first time EVER sister napped somewhere that wasn't her bed, carseat or stroller...she passed out on the sofa for 3.5 hours. The many, many 4:30am wake-ups are getting to her. Brother enjoyed some alone time with mommy while sister napped. This boy is into everything and so, so silly. Love him!
March 31.
EARLY morning in preparation for a week in Georgia. I managed to get 100# of luggage, a car seat, a #25 stroller, 2 kids (wearing the 33# one on my back) and myself into the airport and checked in! Long day of travel filled with airport food, movies, and plane bribery...but got to enjoy Antico pizza, playing at the Avalon in perfect spring weather and seeing the Easter Bunny.
April 1.
First full day in Georgia means a day on the water. Mommy forgot sandals, so we bought new ones which the kids loved, and headed out on the boat for lots of sun, a boat picnic and enjoying time with Aunt Amy, who came in from UGA to visit. Thanks for the boatride Papa!
April 2.
Second day in Georgia...a visit to the North Georgia petting zoo with Grammy and Papa. We saw goats, llamas, pigs, chickens, turtles, zebras, porcupines, cows, and tortoises. Headed into old town Dahlonega for lunch and listening to banjo music in the square. Slow afternoon at home playing with their new bubble machine.
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