August 21.
The best view of the solar eclipse I could get - it was pretty cloudy in Baltimore. I took the kiddos to the car wash (complete with cookies) and the grocery store (don't look to too excited to ride Harry, Nora!) so we could get back into the swing of our routine and have a fresh car and stocked fridge. CFA for lunch was on point with their kiddie meal craft!
August 22.
A typical summer day: sun dress, playground, icecream and bubbles. Perfect!
August 23.
A stroll through the park to feed the ducks, snacking and people watching, being silly on the playground and wrapping up the day with paleo chocolate chip cookies. Another great summer day.
August 24.
It was slightly cooler today (mid 60's) so the kiddos insister on wearing it wasn't raining. Stopped off at our favorite - Zoe's for a snack box lunch, then a trip to Ikea to play on furniture and eat $1 icecream.
August 25.
Early workout in the park at the stairs - the kiddos even got in on the action. Then we walked to the waterfront and watched the boats. They always beg me to go on the water taxi. Today, on a whim, I said yes. We rode all around the harbor then stopped at Fort McHenry for a stroll around the grounds before heading back home. This was an extremely long, physically draining day for this pregnant momma of 2!
August 26.
Weekends are for going to the Tire Park with daddy, getting together with friends for dinosaur birthday parties, eating cookies and watermelon for dinner and skipping naps to enjoy all the fun!
August 27.
Kids festival at the neighborhood church - face painting, moon-bouncing, crafts, games and exhausted kiddos! Momma and Daddy sat on the stoop for an evening date to enjoy the weather after the kiddos passed out by 6pm. Great weekend!
I love all the photos you post on this page