Tuesday, October 10, 2017

2017 - Week 40

October 2.
Another Monday...started lazy with tv shows and snuggling with our buddies, people watching on the stoop, then a park playdate and dance class.

October 3.
Brother loves rocks SO much, sometimes he just hugs them at the park!! Sister decorated some bracelets and then everyone accompanied me to my monthly check up. All is good with baby boy!

October 4.
Pumpkin petting before church. After church we went to TCBY for "99 cent Waffle Cone Wednesday"...yes, we had icecream for lunch. YUM! Sister did some checkups on her buddies during Rad's naptime.

October 5.
Nora's first fieldtrip was to an alpaca farm!! She got to walk it, feed sheep, brush some wool, make a cool braclet and learn a fun bible story about God and creation. She had a blast and so did brother - so glad he got to tag along!

October 6.
Weekend away to celebrate baby #3 with my hubby!! We drove 3 hours to Charlottesville, VA. We went on a tour of Monticello and saw Thomas Jefferson's grave site. We rented a tiny cabin through AirBandB which was a perfect QUIET retreat from the regular routine. We enjoyed a dinner out in the downtown area before sitting outside our cabin for hours watching stars and talking life - we even saw 2 shooting stars!

October 7.
Another fun vacation day. We started with brunch on UVA campus at The Pigeon Hole...it was game day against Duke and the place was slamming - we felt like college kids again. We shopped, went to Jefferson winery for a wine tasting (don't worry, I only tasted a few), went to a bourbon distillery with the most amazing view, then headed back downtown for another fun evening of dinner, icecream, people watching and siteseeing.

October 8.
Woke up to cold, rainy weather. We made the drive to Carter Mountain apple orchard anyway...the view was amazing!! So were the apple cider donuts, the fresh picked apples and the apple pie! We stopped for brunch before headed home. I enjoyed a little too much coffee - first time having french press in WAY too long. What an amazing get away with the hubs - perfect refresh before life gets even crazier with 3!!

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