Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Life (so far) As A Balto Girl...

I've blinked and 7 weeks have passed since moving to Baltimore. What's happened in the last 7 weeks? Instead of typing out all the stories, I'll just bullet point the major happenings:

    • Unpacking only took a few days, it took weeks to get things on the wall
    • Broke down a MILLION boxes for recycling
    • Sold our kitchen table because it was too big for our place
      • Almost got scammed by a loser on Craigslist
      • Reported said loser to Pay Pal
    • FINALLY ordered a new table - wont arrive until August we eat in the living room in our arm chairs every meal.
    • Got super creative with closets and storage spaces - thanks Pinterest.
    • Still trying to figure out what to do with our patio's too big for our patio! :(
  • Got organized
    • Changed address with every major credit card, bank, insurance, etc.
    • Transferred/set up all utilities
    • Attempted to file a report about my horrible movers with the BBB
      • If you haven't read the story of my horrible moving experience, head over to my Facebook page and read the craziness. I was never reimbursed for ANY damages.
    • STILL dealing with Comcast being a crazy, stupid company and attempting to bill us $400+ for our first month
    • Wedding, graduation, baby presents for friends in all stages of life
  • Joined Crossfit Harbor East
    • First week at CFHE, I was running to the gym, tripped on the horrible sidewalks of Baltimore and fell - still have a scar.
    • Matched my pre-baby power clean PR - 165#
    • First workout with deadlifts since hurting my back right before we moved
    • Did Eva for the first time ever
    • 5# away from pre-baby body weight! :) Almost ALL of my clothes fit!
    • New Friends!
  • Mom and Jeff came to visit
    • Went to Fort McHenry for a very touristy tour
    • Explored Fells Point
    • Took a ride on the water taxi
    • Walked WAY too much
    • Celebrated Father's Day with blue crabs
    • Celebrated Chaz's FIRST Father's Day!! 
    • Drank Resurrection at Annabell Lee
    • Learned where the Greyhound station is...and got lost.
  • Kelsey came to visit
    • Ate at Holy Crepe!! :)
    • Ate at Mama's
    • Worked out at Crossfit Harbor East (twice!)
    • Went to the Fell's Farmers Market
    • Had quality best friend chats on life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
  • Celebrated July 4th
    • Holiday WOD at Crossfit Harbor East
    • Took my first and ONLY nap since moving here
    • Nora's first experience of a pool!
    • First fireworks in Baltimore
  • Went to Florida to visit my brother, sister-in-law and niece
    • Nora played in the sand for the first time ever
    • First trip to the beach where I didn't get burned
    • 4 plane rides later, I'll never have a layover with a baby again! 
    • Walked multiple miles in the train area of ATL airport to keep Nora sleeping
    • Missed Baltimore and realized it was starting to feel like "home"
    • Got home and realized I needed a vacation from my vacation
  • Joined a Facebook group for 2014 Baltimore new mom's
    • Walks by the water
    • Play dates in the park
    • Lunches to explore new restaurants
    • Nora's first Mother Goose story time
    • New Friends!
  • Enjoyed being a Stay at Home Mom:
    • Watched Nora roll over for the first time
    • Nora outgrew her swaddle sack and is a tummy sleeper
    • She LOVES to go on walks
    • She now HATES to ride in the car
    • She's knows the ring of a FaceTime call with Grammy daily
    • Morning smiles and snuggles are the BEST
    • Bath time is her favorite part of the day
    • What's a sleep routine?!?!
  • And the random things...
    • Explored lots of new restaurants
    • Walked LOTS of miles
    • Gotten 2 parking tickets - you have to move your car atleast once a week...street cleaning
    • Ran with the BOB for the first time
    • Been through a LOT of sunscreen
    • My first attempt at Paleo Crab Cakes - definitely needs work to be Baltimore worthy
    • Cooked at home atleast 3x a week!
    • Read a book: The 4:8 Principle
    • Pop into random Open House's in the area just to be nosey
    • Play with our cousins - Mikey, AvaMae and Scarlett.
    • Hang with Tillman/Jozefiaks - enjoying having aunts/uncles close!
    • Watched North Point Online weekly
    • Watched 4 seasons of Sister Wives and 2 seasons of Sherlock Holmes
    • Weekly phone dates with friends to catch up on life
    • Spent quality time with my husband and best friend!! :)
    • Learned to LOVE our new city!

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