Friday, October 9, 2015

39 Weeks...HOLY BELLY!

Week 39.

How far along? 39 Weeks. Officially in the ONE week countdown. AHHHH!!!!
Baby Size: 20ish inches and 7+ lbs...but when they measured my belly on Monday they said I would probably be delivering another small baby. I'm anxious to see how big/small he's going to be. 
Total weight gain/loss: 35 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Yup...and even those are starting to feel too snug. :( After unpacking this week, I'm getting SOOOO ready to wear all my "normal" clothes again. It's going to be like getting a whole new wardrobe!
Stretch marks? No, thankfully!
Sleep: Depends on the day. Last night I slept 8 hours straight - first time in weeks to do that. Most nights I wake up around 2/3am and go to the bathroom, or play on Facebook or get water. My sleep is very broken because it takes so much effort to roll over these days that I wake up. 
Best moment this week: Getting the playroom organized!!! Nora LOVES her space downstairs. She can run around with all her toys, make a huge mess, watch cartoons, color, throw balls against the old brick wall, and just be a kid. And mommy loves it because at the end of a long day, I don't have to clean up if I don't want to...I can just close the door and walk away. It's made nap time more productive for me too. Typically I'd clean up right after I put her down, but now I can leave it knowing we'd go back down there later. 
Worst moment this week: I had a scare on Wednesday where I thought Radford was ready to make his entrance a little early. I woke up Wednesday with bad belly cramps...which I chalked up to just being overly hungry. After bible study and a few errands, I could barely walk without being hunched over. I was nauseous, my stomach was cramping, and my lower back was killing me. I took a nap when Nora did and when I woke up, nothing was better. We stayed at home the rest of the day and after I finally got her to bed, it got worse. Cramps turned into contractions where my belly would get rock hard, I had painful pinching in my lower belly and no matter what position I laid or stood, my body was killing me. I took Tylenol around 7, then again at 11, then again around 3am. Finally after pacing my bedroom for almost an hour and practicing some slow yoga like breathing, my body relaxed and I was able to sleep. I was slightly freaking out because Chaz was out of town and I hadn't felt like this with Nora. I called the nurse and chatted with her. She reassured me each pregnancy is different and sometimes Braxton Hicks contractions can be almost like real ones. I'm guessing I just had a major episode of practice before the real deal in a few days. After a few freak out tears, I realized he's coming when he's coming...whether I'm ready or not! I know what to expect, but the idea of all the pain still scares me. 
Miss Anything?  A boxspring on my bed!!! :( Our new house has a really cool, 95 year old, triangle construction staircase and the boxspring to the master bed wouldn't fit up the we've been sleeping on our mattress on the floor for the past 8 nights. We've ordered a split queen boxspring, but it won't arrive for another week. It's hard to get up practically off the floor every morning with this big ole belly!! 
Movement: ALL the time! Though, he recently dropped about an inch or so and the movement has slowed a little - that or because he's lower, it doesn't feel like he's kicking my in the ribs as much. LOTS more lower back pain now that he's sitting so low. 
Food cravings: Fruit - specifically grapes. Been eating bagels with cream cheese every morning and the past few days I've actually had cravings for coffee - which I haven't wanted this entire pregnancy. Maybe my body knows its going to need lots of it soon!? 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still don't want to touch raw meat. 
Food aversions:  No, not really. Still no cravings for veggies like I normally would request. I'm ready to enjoy more greens in my diet once he's born. Thankfully because I can stomach smoothies, I'm getting spinach at least once a day.
Have you started to show yet: Yup...people stare. Especially when I'm in a store and I'm carrying Nora on my "shelf" of a belly and they are wondering why I don't just put her into the shopping cart. She's gonna have to learn REAL soon to ride like a big girl. And because my belly is so big and he's dropped, I feel like I officially have the pregnant lady waddle. 
Gender: BOY! And has a VERY blue room to prove it. Pics of his room once I get everything on the walls and organized a little better. 
Labor Signs: YES. Lots of cramping, lower back pain, random nausea, and braxton hicks. 
Belly Button in or out? WAY outtie. 
Wedding rings on or off? On...BUT I haven't taken them off in about 2 weeks because I cant...They aren't too tight to where they are cutting off my circulation, it would just be too much of a struggle, so I haven't tried. 
Mood? Depends on the day. BUT today I'm happy! I've covered the range from overwhelmed to excited to exhausted to nervous to anxious to fearful to giddiness. There are days where I let all that needs to get done - unpacking, organizing, putting rooms together, shopping for new things, washing clothes, cleaning, entertaining Nora, etc overwhelm me and I freak out. Then there are days like today where it's like - I showered, made balanced meals and played with toys all day and that's enough. :) 
Looking forward to: Seeing his little face for the first time!!! Been wondering if he's going to be blonde like Nora and I are. And for Nora to meet him and see a real live baby at the house all the time. She talks about "Raaa" or "Baby" a lot at home. 

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