Tuesday, March 21, 2017

2017 - Week 11

March 13.
Monday again. Love snuggles from these two...we had to bunch to head out today - it was COLD in Baltimore. We went to Play Cafe for a lunch date, yogurt snacks were yummy then become a lotion-like bath, and this girl - she can eats tacos for days!!

March 14.
They told us to expect a blizzard...we were sorely disappointed with only a few inches of snow...but we made the most of it. We ate snow. We played in the snow - which didn't last too long because we didn't have gloves. Oops. And we even painted a snow craft.

March 15.
Another snow day inside because everything was now iced over. We did sled rides while making very important phone calls. Played with shaving cream to look like snow. We watched the snow out the window in our pjs. And we went through a whole slew of stickers.

March 16.
Visited what will be Nora's preschool in the fall - they loved the sunshine they could climb into. Target for birthday presents for this weekends parties. THEN...the day took a turn and sister started complaining about having an ear ache. After a trip to the doctor, back to Target for medicine and slurpees...which of course brother had to make a huge mess of in the car. Didn't bother him one bit...he seemed to sleep well that night. Ha.

March 17.
Movie morning while sister tried to rest. Then onto making "drums" out of empty snack containers and painting out own wrapping paper. When daddy came home, it was all about tea parties, giving our "buddies" baths and back scratches. **I forgot to put my kiddos in something green for St. Patrick's Day...oops.**

March 18.
Fun birthday party for Colin at Lingo Leap. This was the first party brother has attended - and loved all the gymnastics elements! And of course they loved the cupcakes!! Came home and decorated our party favors and relaxed the rest of the afternoon.

March 19.
Celebrated our sweet niece Scarlett turning 3!! We had a delicious brunch, played with toys - everything Moana, Trolls and animals, ate cake, rode bikes outside and enjoyed family time. Happy Birthday Sweet Scar Jo. We love you!

1 comment:

  1. Love all the photo's. The kid's look like the are having a great time and very Happy. Love you all Dad.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
