Tuesday, December 19, 2017

2017 - Week 45

November 5.
Playing with daddy at Toys R Us and getting ideas for "Santa" to bring everyone.

November 6.
A rare warm fall day...of course that meant we went on a park adventure. #nofilter It was beautiful!

November 7.
Playing in the ball pit at Kiddie Carsoue with Aunt Hilaire and Scar. Then afternoon icecream and stroller/shopping cart races.

November 8.
Typical morning of having to pose for mom on the stairs - Nora wasn't having it today. Then an afternoon of games and being wild in the playroom.

November 9.
Rad: always rolling around on the floor somewhere. Nora: always reading. Momma: always craving something sweet. Paleo chocolate chip cookies were made and consumed by all parties.
Kiddos first trip to the dentist - Nora did great!! Rad was all smiles until he had to actually open his mouth, then he was a HOT mess of screaming. Better luck next time. Spent the evening celebrating a special 5 year old! Happy Birthday Ava Mae!!

November 11.
Daddy in the kitchen - I had to document this! He cooked us chicken, corn chowder. It was awesome!! The rest of the day: we had snuggles with baby #3, cake pops and a playdough party.

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