Tuesday, December 19, 2017

2017 - Week 46

November 12.
A trip to IKEA and the mall with daddy. Always adventure with him!

November 13.
Making a HUGE mess of the house, kinetic sand, the play kitchen and donuts before dance.

November 14.
A day of being goofy - playing at home, a park date, and time with Rad at Homegoods and the library while sister was at school.

November 15.
Letting the kids "buddies" drive is always a hit. HA! These two are such best friends - they love doing everything together - it makes my momma heart so happy!

November 16.
Thanksgiving craft - things we are thankful for. A visit to Nora's school for their first parents chapel of the year, goofing off (per usual) with these two and a quick stop at the doc in the box to rule out strep throat or an ear infection.

November 17.
More Thanksgiving crafts. Turkeys and Indian hats.

November 18.
We tackled painting Nora's room today (and by we I mean Chaz). The kids were left to entertain themselves while I got my hair done and ran a few errands. They had fun!

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