Tuesday, December 19, 2017

2017 - Week 47

November 19.
Lazy day at home called for making ants on a log. Rad prefered to just eat peanut butter.

November 20.
Ventured outside despite the cold to enjoy the sunshine. Folding laundry is always an adventure with these two...as they end up wearing half of it!

November 21.
Icecream to kick off Thanksgiving break. Then a MILLION hours in the car with my loves - thank goodness for movies and earphones.

November 22.
We made it! After 13 hours in the car...we all felt crazy and exhausted. Glad to see family!

November 23.
Enjoyed time with my brother and his family and well as my step sister - celebrating both their birthdays. We took a golfcart ride, at too many Thanksgiving goodies, watched the bonfire, and let the girls have a sleepover. So much to be thankful for today!

November 24.
Another fun day with family. Smores, gingerbread house making, opening Christmas presents, using the Easy Bake oven and soaking up quality family time with those we dont see very often.

November 25.
Didnt take many pictures this day...just a few of the most important people in my life. Not pictured - awesome couples dates with Randy/Christa and Caleb/Kelsey!! My heart was full!

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