Tuesday, December 19, 2017

2017 - Week 48

November 26.
Last day in Atlanta calleed for a quick outdoor photoshoot. My mom and I didn't even mean to match! We loved spending the week with family!! And getting lots of new toys to play with.

November 27.
A LONG road trip home with these two crazies. Then celebrating Uncle Patricks birthday!!

November 28.
A little Christmas shopping with brother while sister was at school. Sister decorated her new princess wand. And once daddy got home, we decorated our Christmas tree (in our undies of course, ha!).

November 29.
A playdate with Aunt Hil and Scar at PlayCafe - they were too busy to smile for photos. Then we decorated the tree in the kids room...only to realize we didnt have enough lights. OOPS!

November 30.
Took the kiddos to see a movie - they loved CoCo. Especially because they got popcorn and candy. We looked at Christmas lights, saw a huge tree and did a little shopping. Great day with these two!!

December 1.
Playdate with Sweden and Dawn at Hobby Lobby and Wegmans. How cute are they?

December 2.
A long day of reorganizing the basement to accommodate the crazy toy situation a little better. Then adventures in gingerbread making with these two...why does no one ever want to wear clothes when we are crafting or baking??

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