Friday, September 18, 2015

34, 35, 36!

Week 34.

Week 35.

Week 36.

How far along? 36 weeks. ONE MONTH or less...Praise Jesus!
Baby Size: 18+ inches long, and weighs 6+ pounds (about the size of a romaine lettuce)...according to the internet. Though, Nora was only 5 lbs, 10 who knows how big/small this guy is gonna be. The doctors said they think he will be on the smaller side too. 
Total weight gain/loss: 32#
Maternity clothes? Yup. Thankful for my friend, Shannon, who just sent me a few things in the mail to borrow for the end...none of my maternity clothes are fitting anymore and it's silly to buy clothes that will last 4 weeks at most. I had a MAJOR meltdown about clothes about a week ago because NOTHING in my closet seems to fit. It's no fun having everything be too tight or too short. 
Stretch marks? None that I can see with the naked eye. 
Sleep: Miserable. I've been having horrible nightmares about Nora - stuff happening to her, losing her, people being mean to her...I wake up sweating and scared. Plus, I have to go to the bathroom every night around 430 - sometimes never going back to sleep. I'm walking around in a constant state of being tired. Preparing me for a newborn I suppose. 
Best moment this week: Nothing major...but we ordered new furniture. You know you're old when. Haha. We are moving our current livingroom furniture to the playroom when we move, so we ordered a new sofa and 2 chairs for our livingroom. I'm way excited to have a fresh room!! 
Worst moment this week: Going to Costco with a toddler that hasn't napped and refuses to sit in the shopping cart. She made me hold her or she was RUNNING through Costco. I had a cart that had a crooked wheel so it veered to one side. I was sweating when I left Costco. A week later...I'm at Babies R Us buying Radfords mattress and almost the same thing happened...she wouldn't sit in the cart. I was caring her while pushing a cart caring a mattress, 2 boxes of diapers and miscellaneious other things. I go to the check out counter, forgot my giftcards in the car and had to go out and get them then carry her back into the store to check out. I go to the car and was covered in sweat and just started crying. She looked at me like "What, mom?!?!"
Miss Anything? Sleep. Wine. Running. My wardrobe. The days when all Nora did was crawl and coo. Having energy to cook. NOT living in a sea of boxes. Clean floors. Napping - I've been trying to be as productive as possible with her nap times to get stuff for moving ready. 
Movement: OH YEAH! We have a soccer player on our hands. He is SO active and it's sometimes painful how hard he kicks me in the ribcage. He also digs his head into my pelvis - it's crippling if I'm out walking or doing something with Nora. 
Food cravings: Gummy anything! Vanilla soft serve yogurt. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: No...but I've been having BAD heartburn after almost everything single thing I eat. I've gone through about 1/2 bottle of Tums. 
Food aversions: Not really. Dont love touching raw chicken still. Yuck. 
Have you started to show yet: YES! Pretty much thats the only thing people talk to me about recently - is my belly and how I'm feeling and when I'm due. Feeling like I'm starting to that adds to the interrogation from others. 
Gender: Little man Radford. Been even more excited recently about having a boy!!! 
Labor Signs: I've started having Braxton Hicks. I walked from our house to Safeway the other day - about a 15 minute walk, and I had 10-15 mini contractions during the walk. I was in a panic mode for a few minutes thinking my water was going to break, but then all was silent. I have them almost everyday now...usually in the middle of the day/early afternoon. They are sometimes crippling. 
Belly Button in or out? WAY outtie...even starting to smooth out into a nonexistent belly button now that my belly is SO large. 
Wedding rings on or off? On during the day, but at night I have to PULL my wedding ring off. I leave on my band just incase the next morning I cannot put the other one back on...I want to still be wearing something. 
Mood? Emotional. I haven't cried much during this pregnancy, but the past week has sent me into a tailspin. I've cried because Nora was crying. I've cried because nothing fits. I've cried because my ankle hurts. I've cried because I was tired. I've cried because Chaz didnt love a meal I made. I've cried at movies on tv. I've cried at the stress of packing. I've cried because I miss my mom. I've cried because Nora wouldn't nap. Pathetic.
Looking forward to: Being in our new house. We move on September 30th. The overwhelming feelings of packing/organizing a move when I'm 38 weeks pregnant keep me awake at night. I'm ready to just lay in bed and be pregnant at night. So, even though it's going to be crazy chaos once we get into the new house, I'll feel a little more settled and ready for his arrival. We've had to prepare for "What if he comes before move date" scenarios...I'm ready to have to NOT think about that anymore!!  

1 comment:

  1. So great hearing all of this. Definitely getting ready for all the craziness.
