Tuesday, December 4, 2018

New Normal and City Life

Yeah...it's been a while...like a year. (I might be a bit rusty in my writing.)

The past year of my life has been an adventure - a crazy, exciting, wild, emotional, stressful, restless, FULL THROTLE adventure. And a chapter of my life I'll look back on with lots of stories and laughter. I want to preface with this: it's been a hard year, but I don't say any of this to throw a pity party for myself or ask for sympathy...simply to explain my absence from blogging/posting about Team Tillman. Surviving. That's what I've often felt like we've done in 2018.

I have a friend named Liz Simmons. If you know her, you are blessed. Each year about this time of the year, she creates a word for the following year. She looks up it's meaning, breaks the word down, finds scripture to back up it's meaning, and then applies it to her life. And it gives her direction and a building block for that next year to follow. Survive is not one I'd hope to choose for a year of my life. So, for 2019, I choose THRIVE. I want to thrive as a child of God, thrive as a mother of 3 young kids, thrive as a wife of a traveling husband, thrive as an athlete, thrive as the friend you can depend on, thrive as someone who can throw routine and organization to the wind and soak up the adventure...not just pray I survive it. Thank you Liz, for inspiring me to choose a word to help guide me on the quest for true enjoyment of my life.

The truth of the matter is that I've felt so heavily weighted down by this year, I haven't taken time to regularly stop and ask God for help. I've always been one to have daily quiet time, ask God for help and direction, and seek council from other Christian women I trust. But I literally became paralyzed in my walk with the Lord. So, as I enter 2019, I truly pray that I can THRIVE in an area of my life that is the true cornerstone of my existence.

"Remain in me, as I remain in you. Just as a branch cannot bear fruit on its own unless it remains on the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in me." John 15:4.

Life before Rowan was seamless. I had it all figured out - kids routine, my routine, bedtime routine, prepping meals, cleaning schedule, working out, constant fun outings with the kids, creative crafts, socialization with friends, blogging, reading, bible study, keeping up with old friends, exploring new things. My life with Nora and Radford on the daily was very FULL, very organized, and very seamless.

Enter February 4, 2018. Our precious baby Rowan William was born and Team Tillman's world was rocked. I knew the first few months of adjusting to life with 3 kids 4 and under would be crazy, so I gave myself lots of grace in the beginning. Enjoying people bringing you meals, not caring about the house or the laundry, delivery services from any and all companies, etc. But as the newness wore off, I started to sink into our new "normal"...but what I couldn't figure out [and I'm still trying to figure out 10 months later] is what does normal even mean? Not sleeping through the night in a year isn't normal. Running on 5 hours of sleep a day isn't normal. Having your husband travel 80+ nights a year isn't normal. Not having a break from your children for weeks on end isn't normal. City living with all of the above listed points isn't normal. [I'll share my pros and cons list of city living later in this blog.]

We've had some really, really awesome experiences this year. We've enjoyed watching Rowan reach each baby milestone, we've been on fun trips to the beach and to visit my family in Georgia, we've participated in lots of extra curricular activities for the big kids, we've celebrated holidays and birthdays with family, we've had lots of fun play dates, and most importantly (!!) we've loved how complete our family feels with having 3 children. It just hasn't been a seamless adjustment...like my Type A personality would like it to be. I've had to slowly be ok and open to the idea that my life isn't constantly on the go like it was with just Nora and Radford. We spend a LOT of time at home. Just now as I looked through pictures, most of them were from our house. They say: "Home is where the heart is."

I've been physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually tired for a year...so I haven't put the energy into social media, my blog, keeping up with others, and unpacking my mind through journaling like I would have hoped I would.

4 years after moving to a new city, you'd think I would be adjusted by now. I'd say I'm about 90% adjusted. The other 10% because it's hard to let go of life in the south...what I knew for 30 years of my life. No one prepared me for how different city living was going to be. Or how life with kids was going to be. Or how balancing your life, your faith, your kids, your home, your marriage, your finances, your future was going to be. Being a grown up is hard work and this past year, I admittedly, have had multiple instances where I think "I'm not grown up enough to deal with this situation". Does everyone experience that feeling sometimes?

[For those that live in Baltimore, bare with me...as all of this is probably what you would say to describe your current living situation.] Just to paint my non-Balto friends the picture...our house is 2800 sq/ft, spread across 4 levels. Bottom level: playroom, full bathroom, unfinished area that holds Christmas stuff, paint, bikes and my treadmill. Main level: living, dining, kitchen. 2nd level: big kids room, Rowan's room, full bathroom, laundry closet and linen closet. 3rd level: master bedroom, master bath and walk in closet. Street parking, 10x10 back deck. That's it.

We made the list below as we've wrestled with the idea of "what next?" We've done a LOT of life in the 6 years we've been married...multiple state line moves, multiple children, and multiple jobs. But our big  kids are getting older, starting school and we truly want to put roots into where we plan to spend the next 10-15 years. Deciding to list our rowhouse hasn't been an easy choice, but we feel it will be the best choice for our family (and my sanity) and will best suit the kids and their future needs.

No, I won't figure out "normal" once we move to the burbs...we will just settle into another "new normal" again...What I pray for mostly, is God's direction. Knowing HE is guiding us on this path to the next place HE would have us brings comfort. Knowing HE will provide a home that fits our needs and HE will bring peace to our life as we continue on this crazy adventure HE's created for us.

Prso of City Living:
1) Convenience: I can walk to: Target, multiple grocery stores, multiple coffee shops, Nora's school, too many parks to count, icecream shop, the Children's museum, the science center, and more than I can count: bars/restaurants.
2) There is always something going on in the park: races, festivals, etc.
3) When the weather is nice you just start walking and you'll fill you day.
4) We can walk to my in-laws house. And my SIL and her kids live 2 miles away.
5) Non chain restaurants. There is SO MUCH good food in the city. Local seafood, unique menus, bar food, ALL kid friendly.
6) Planning impromptu get togethers with friends is so easy because everyone is walking distance.
7) Snow doesn't shut down grocery stores or restaurants.
8) We are only 20 minutes from the airport.
9) My lady doctor, kids doctor, dentist, eye doctor, dry cleaners, alterations, pharmacy and bank are all walking distance...and if I'm running late with the kids [which happens a lot recently] I can be there 10 minutes after I leave my house.
10) Our house is unique and we love that old charm. We never picture ourselves in a cookie cutter neighborhood. We like character and architecture. And you can find all of that in an old rowhome.

Cosn of City Living:
1) Street parking with 3 kids...and groceries...in the rain/snow...having to move your car for street sweeping days...parking on days where there is an event in town and you have to search for 15 minutes for a spot...not wanting to move your car once it gets dark...
2) We have no yard. When Rowan is napping, I have no outside space to take the big kids to play.
3) We've had 5 car break ins and my car (recently) stolen. We've lost thousands of dollars worth of stuff to peaty city crime.
4) Row house living: you walk straight from the front door into your livingroom...no foyer/coat closet/mudroom...so you're constantly trying to decide if your living room is actually more like a garage. No bathroom on the main level: if someone has to pee, it's a family affair because no one wants to be left alone on the level above/below, but no one wants to go alone to the bathroom. Based on my Apple watch, I average about 35-45 flights of stairs a day (not including working out)!!!!
5) My house was built in 1920: every single floor board makes sound walking around...so I cant sneak downstairs for a morning workout without worrying if someone will be joining me. Our house has settled with age...and the back of the house is about 4-5" lower than the front - so everything looks like its slanted.
6) SOOOOOOOO many stairs. If I forget my phone or something important in my room when it's time to leave...I have to decide if 28 winding stairs is worth it. Cleaning with these stairs is a nightmare to lug up and down the vacuum, cleaning supplies, etc.
7) We don't have a laundry room...just a stacked washer/dryer. I do 1-3 loads of laundry a day. I don't always fold or put away laundry every day. Do the math...that means that loads and loads of laundry have to be somewhere in my house. They pile up in bedrooms. Then it overwhelms me as I start the weekly cycle again and I start freaking out about how we own too many clothes.
8) Same goes for toys. Since we don't have a garage, ALL the toys are in the house. Inside toys, outside toys, riding toys, chalk/bubbles, and craft supplies. SO MANY craft supplies...and they (up until we've put the house on the market) have lived in my dining area in Tupperware containers. About every other month I have a mini panic attack about how we own too many toys and start purging through everything. If I can see it all, it stresses me out.
9) I cant just pop into HomeGoods, Wegmans, HobbyLobby or a department store at the local mall....because the local mall isn't right down the street.
10) The kids desperately want a dog. I'm already an anomaly with having 3 kids in a row house, adding a pet I have to walk to the dog park on top of that seems impossible. The kids want a yard to run around with the dog. Chaz wants chickens. And I want to plop by booty in a chair with a glass of wine at the end of the day on my screenporch and watch my family play outside.

So...the house is on the market and we have an idea of the next move. But until then, we wait. And pray. But I don't plan to passively wait. I plan to JOYFULLY fill my time with my children, my husband, friends, and fun. Chaz works tirelessly so I can stay home with our children...so this next year I pray I can thrive in that role. I have thought through the past year and realized that I love sharing my life with others. It brings to me JOY to share with others, to find common struggles/excitement, and to know I'm not in this chapter alone. One of God's gifts to me is the desire to read and write and I pray I can use that (this blog and social media) as a platform to transparently share about Team Tillman. Chaz, Nora, Radford and Rowan are the light of my life and I'm so blessed to share this adventure with them. Here's to our next chapter...

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

2017 - Week 44

October 29.
A little of this, a little of that. Tears and snuggles, alphabet practicing, and a hair/makeup with my girl while Radford napped.

October 30.
Harris Teeter cookies are always a crowd pleaser. Old boxes make great "cities" to drive cars around. Mondays mean dance for sister and time to run around outside for Radford.

October 31.
Happy Halloween from our crew to yours! Curious George and a dinosaur racked in some yummy candy!!!

November 1.
Sister showing her sassy smile and LONG hair. Brother showing his "I'm scared of the jets in the whirlpool" face. HA!

November 2.
Adventures with Rad and Scar while the other kiddos are in school - cookies and the bookstore. Afternoon outside because it was too beautiful not to!

November 3.
Morning adventures to Angel Park with my kiddos - it was so hot we had to stop for a slurpee afterwards. Then celebrating the birthday girl!! Happy Birthday Aunt Hilaire!

November 4.
Momma went to get her nails done, so daddy dressed the kiddos and took them on a park adventure.

2017 - Week 45

November 5.
Playing with daddy at Toys R Us and getting ideas for "Santa" to bring everyone.

November 6.
A rare warm fall day...of course that meant we went on a park adventure. #nofilter It was beautiful!

November 7.
Playing in the ball pit at Kiddie Carsoue with Aunt Hilaire and Scar. Then afternoon icecream and stroller/shopping cart races.

November 8.
Typical morning of having to pose for mom on the stairs - Nora wasn't having it today. Then an afternoon of games and being wild in the playroom.

November 9.
Rad: always rolling around on the floor somewhere. Nora: always reading. Momma: always craving something sweet. Paleo chocolate chip cookies were made and consumed by all parties.
Kiddos first trip to the dentist - Nora did great!! Rad was all smiles until he had to actually open his mouth, then he was a HOT mess of screaming. Better luck next time. Spent the evening celebrating a special 5 year old! Happy Birthday Ava Mae!!

November 11.
Daddy in the kitchen - I had to document this! He cooked us chicken, corn chowder. It was awesome!! The rest of the day: we had snuggles with baby #3, cake pops and a playdough party.

2017 - Week 46

November 12.
A trip to IKEA and the mall with daddy. Always adventure with him!

November 13.
Making a HUGE mess of the house, kinetic sand, the play kitchen and donuts before dance.

November 14.
A day of being goofy - playing at home, a park date, and time with Rad at Homegoods and the library while sister was at school.

November 15.
Letting the kids "buddies" drive is always a hit. HA! These two are such best friends - they love doing everything together - it makes my momma heart so happy!

November 16.
Thanksgiving craft - things we are thankful for. A visit to Nora's school for their first parents chapel of the year, goofing off (per usual) with these two and a quick stop at the doc in the box to rule out strep throat or an ear infection.

November 17.
More Thanksgiving crafts. Turkeys and Indian hats.

November 18.
We tackled painting Nora's room today (and by we I mean Chaz). The kids were left to entertain themselves while I got my hair done and ran a few errands. They had fun!

2017 - Week 47

November 19.
Lazy day at home called for making ants on a log. Rad prefered to just eat peanut butter.

November 20.
Ventured outside despite the cold to enjoy the sunshine. Folding laundry is always an adventure with these two...as they end up wearing half of it!

November 21.
Icecream to kick off Thanksgiving break. Then a MILLION hours in the car with my loves - thank goodness for movies and earphones.

November 22.
We made it! After 13 hours in the car...we all felt crazy and exhausted. Glad to see family!

November 23.
Enjoyed time with my brother and his family and well as my step sister - celebrating both their birthdays. We took a golfcart ride, at too many Thanksgiving goodies, watched the bonfire, and let the girls have a sleepover. So much to be thankful for today!

November 24.
Another fun day with family. Smores, gingerbread house making, opening Christmas presents, using the Easy Bake oven and soaking up quality family time with those we dont see very often.

November 25.
Didnt take many pictures this day...just a few of the most important people in my life. Not pictured - awesome couples dates with Randy/Christa and Caleb/Kelsey!! My heart was full!

2017 - Week 48

November 26.
Last day in Atlanta calleed for a quick outdoor photoshoot. My mom and I didn't even mean to match! We loved spending the week with family!! And getting lots of new toys to play with.

November 27.
A LONG road trip home with these two crazies. Then celebrating Uncle Patricks birthday!!

November 28.
A little Christmas shopping with brother while sister was at school. Sister decorated her new princess wand. And once daddy got home, we decorated our Christmas tree (in our undies of course, ha!).

November 29.
A playdate with Aunt Hil and Scar at PlayCafe - they were too busy to smile for photos. Then we decorated the tree in the kids room...only to realize we didnt have enough lights. OOPS!

November 30.
Took the kiddos to see a movie - they loved CoCo. Especially because they got popcorn and candy. We looked at Christmas lights, saw a huge tree and did a little shopping. Great day with these two!!

December 1.
Playdate with Sweden and Dawn at Hobby Lobby and Wegmans. How cute are they?

December 2.
A long day of reorganizing the basement to accommodate the crazy toy situation a little better. Then adventures in gingerbread making with these two...why does no one ever want to wear clothes when we are crafting or baking??

2017 - Week 49

December 3.
These kids LOVE their halloween costumes and ask to wear them daily. We played iwth our computers and goofed off with daddy. We snuck away for a quick meet up with Kerry and her boys to see the Kenilworth train display.

December 4.
Lazy Monday snowman crafting and playing with baby toys.

December 5.
Apparently my head is a great drum. We open our umbrellas inside WAY too often for any good luck to come our way. Took brother to the car dealership to get an oil change. Sister and I accidentally matched today! Goofing off with their new bunk bed boxes and kitchen costumes.

December 6.
A trip to IKEA, playing with leaves and a dance party with masks. Perfect day with these two.

December 7.
Painting Christmas kindness rocks was an adventure with these two!! They were SOOO excited Daddy put together their bunk beds and they got to share a room tonight! A quick stop at The Avenue with Mandi and Elodie to play at Barnes and Nobel and see the Christmas trees.

December 8.
Lazy day at home making "crowns" for all our buddies and purchasing toys to play with. My new rug arrived for the livingroom. LOVING it!

December 9.
Snow is falling - kiddos were excited to try on their winter gear! We played in the snow with cousins while celebrating Pop's birthday. They had a blast!