Friday, October 9, 2015

39 Weeks...HOLY BELLY!

Week 39.

How far along? 39 Weeks. Officially in the ONE week countdown. AHHHH!!!!
Baby Size: 20ish inches and 7+ lbs...but when they measured my belly on Monday they said I would probably be delivering another small baby. I'm anxious to see how big/small he's going to be. 
Total weight gain/loss: 35 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Yup...and even those are starting to feel too snug. :( After unpacking this week, I'm getting SOOOO ready to wear all my "normal" clothes again. It's going to be like getting a whole new wardrobe!
Stretch marks? No, thankfully!
Sleep: Depends on the day. Last night I slept 8 hours straight - first time in weeks to do that. Most nights I wake up around 2/3am and go to the bathroom, or play on Facebook or get water. My sleep is very broken because it takes so much effort to roll over these days that I wake up. 
Best moment this week: Getting the playroom organized!!! Nora LOVES her space downstairs. She can run around with all her toys, make a huge mess, watch cartoons, color, throw balls against the old brick wall, and just be a kid. And mommy loves it because at the end of a long day, I don't have to clean up if I don't want to...I can just close the door and walk away. It's made nap time more productive for me too. Typically I'd clean up right after I put her down, but now I can leave it knowing we'd go back down there later. 
Worst moment this week: I had a scare on Wednesday where I thought Radford was ready to make his entrance a little early. I woke up Wednesday with bad belly cramps...which I chalked up to just being overly hungry. After bible study and a few errands, I could barely walk without being hunched over. I was nauseous, my stomach was cramping, and my lower back was killing me. I took a nap when Nora did and when I woke up, nothing was better. We stayed at home the rest of the day and after I finally got her to bed, it got worse. Cramps turned into contractions where my belly would get rock hard, I had painful pinching in my lower belly and no matter what position I laid or stood, my body was killing me. I took Tylenol around 7, then again at 11, then again around 3am. Finally after pacing my bedroom for almost an hour and practicing some slow yoga like breathing, my body relaxed and I was able to sleep. I was slightly freaking out because Chaz was out of town and I hadn't felt like this with Nora. I called the nurse and chatted with her. She reassured me each pregnancy is different and sometimes Braxton Hicks contractions can be almost like real ones. I'm guessing I just had a major episode of practice before the real deal in a few days. After a few freak out tears, I realized he's coming when he's coming...whether I'm ready or not! I know what to expect, but the idea of all the pain still scares me. 
Miss Anything?  A boxspring on my bed!!! :( Our new house has a really cool, 95 year old, triangle construction staircase and the boxspring to the master bed wouldn't fit up the we've been sleeping on our mattress on the floor for the past 8 nights. We've ordered a split queen boxspring, but it won't arrive for another week. It's hard to get up practically off the floor every morning with this big ole belly!! 
Movement: ALL the time! Though, he recently dropped about an inch or so and the movement has slowed a little - that or because he's lower, it doesn't feel like he's kicking my in the ribs as much. LOTS more lower back pain now that he's sitting so low. 
Food cravings: Fruit - specifically grapes. Been eating bagels with cream cheese every morning and the past few days I've actually had cravings for coffee - which I haven't wanted this entire pregnancy. Maybe my body knows its going to need lots of it soon!? 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still don't want to touch raw meat. 
Food aversions:  No, not really. Still no cravings for veggies like I normally would request. I'm ready to enjoy more greens in my diet once he's born. Thankfully because I can stomach smoothies, I'm getting spinach at least once a day.
Have you started to show yet: Yup...people stare. Especially when I'm in a store and I'm carrying Nora on my "shelf" of a belly and they are wondering why I don't just put her into the shopping cart. She's gonna have to learn REAL soon to ride like a big girl. And because my belly is so big and he's dropped, I feel like I officially have the pregnant lady waddle. 
Gender: BOY! And has a VERY blue room to prove it. Pics of his room once I get everything on the walls and organized a little better. 
Labor Signs: YES. Lots of cramping, lower back pain, random nausea, and braxton hicks. 
Belly Button in or out? WAY outtie. 
Wedding rings on or off? On...BUT I haven't taken them off in about 2 weeks because I cant...They aren't too tight to where they are cutting off my circulation, it would just be too much of a struggle, so I haven't tried. 
Mood? Depends on the day. BUT today I'm happy! I've covered the range from overwhelmed to excited to exhausted to nervous to anxious to fearful to giddiness. There are days where I let all that needs to get done - unpacking, organizing, putting rooms together, shopping for new things, washing clothes, cleaning, entertaining Nora, etc overwhelm me and I freak out. Then there are days like today where it's like - I showered, made balanced meals and played with toys all day and that's enough. :) 
Looking forward to: Seeing his little face for the first time!!! Been wondering if he's going to be blonde like Nora and I are. And for Nora to meet him and see a real live baby at the house all the time. She talks about "Raaa" or "Baby" a lot at home. 

Friday, September 25, 2015

37 week...Almost there!

Week 37.

How far along? 37 Weeks!! 
Baby Size: 19+ inches long, and weighs 6+ pounds...according to the internet. Though, Nora was only 5 lbs, 10 oz and 18.5" who knows how big/small this guy is gonna be. 
Total weight gain/loss: 30#...lost 2 lbs because Chaz was out of town all week and I didn't cook big meals...just kind of nibbled all day. 
Maternity clothes? SOOOO tired of maternity clothes. 
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep: I absolutely cannot fall asleep before 11/12 every night. Then I'm up by 6 with I've been taking at least an hour nap when she naps every day. 
Best moment this week: Chaz was out of town for 4 nights and on night number 3...when I was getting really tired from doing bedtime routine alone after long days with her, I was laying Nora into the bed and she said: "Love you Mama" and gave me a giant hug. Melted my heart. 
Worst moment this week: I had a mommy meltdown about what all there is to do with packing/moving/prepping for baby. Nothing in just all snowballed and I freaked out. I was standing in the kitchen and just started balling. Chaz was like "What?!? What's wrong...?!?" I get overwhelmed with details and all the lists in my phone were intimidating me because I didn't know which item on the list to tackle first. 
Miss Anything?  Sleeping on my stomach. A really cold beer. 
Movement: ALL the time. 
Food cravings: Granola - made homemade chocolate chip pumpkin granola...amazing. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: No, but I have miserable heartburn still (coupled with crazy hot flashes) so I have to eat really small meals. 
Food aversions: Big pieces of meat, veggies, and coffee. All of them have grossed me out this week. 
Have you started to show yet: I'm TIRED of showing...ready to not have people stare at my belly and say "you're about to POP!"
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: A couple Braxton Hicks contractions, but way less than last week. 
Belly Button in or out?  Observe picture above...
Wedding rings on or off? On...but scary TIGHT and cannot get them off some days.
Mood? WAY better after my meltdown earlier in the week. Still feeling very anxious about the move on Wednesday. Just ready to be settled, not having to crawl over boxes, have all of Nora's toys OUT of the living room, take a hot bath in a clean tub, and rest. 
Looking forward to: MOVING DAY!!!! (Even though it will be a CRAZY long day, I'm so excited to say I own a home with Chaz and looking forward to the memories it will being with our soon to be family of 4.) 

Friday, September 18, 2015

34, 35, 36!

Week 34.

Week 35.

Week 36.

How far along? 36 weeks. ONE MONTH or less...Praise Jesus!
Baby Size: 18+ inches long, and weighs 6+ pounds (about the size of a romaine lettuce)...according to the internet. Though, Nora was only 5 lbs, 10 who knows how big/small this guy is gonna be. The doctors said they think he will be on the smaller side too. 
Total weight gain/loss: 32#
Maternity clothes? Yup. Thankful for my friend, Shannon, who just sent me a few things in the mail to borrow for the end...none of my maternity clothes are fitting anymore and it's silly to buy clothes that will last 4 weeks at most. I had a MAJOR meltdown about clothes about a week ago because NOTHING in my closet seems to fit. It's no fun having everything be too tight or too short. 
Stretch marks? None that I can see with the naked eye. 
Sleep: Miserable. I've been having horrible nightmares about Nora - stuff happening to her, losing her, people being mean to her...I wake up sweating and scared. Plus, I have to go to the bathroom every night around 430 - sometimes never going back to sleep. I'm walking around in a constant state of being tired. Preparing me for a newborn I suppose. 
Best moment this week: Nothing major...but we ordered new furniture. You know you're old when. Haha. We are moving our current livingroom furniture to the playroom when we move, so we ordered a new sofa and 2 chairs for our livingroom. I'm way excited to have a fresh room!! 
Worst moment this week: Going to Costco with a toddler that hasn't napped and refuses to sit in the shopping cart. She made me hold her or she was RUNNING through Costco. I had a cart that had a crooked wheel so it veered to one side. I was sweating when I left Costco. A week later...I'm at Babies R Us buying Radfords mattress and almost the same thing happened...she wouldn't sit in the cart. I was caring her while pushing a cart caring a mattress, 2 boxes of diapers and miscellaneious other things. I go to the check out counter, forgot my giftcards in the car and had to go out and get them then carry her back into the store to check out. I go to the car and was covered in sweat and just started crying. She looked at me like "What, mom?!?!"
Miss Anything? Sleep. Wine. Running. My wardrobe. The days when all Nora did was crawl and coo. Having energy to cook. NOT living in a sea of boxes. Clean floors. Napping - I've been trying to be as productive as possible with her nap times to get stuff for moving ready. 
Movement: OH YEAH! We have a soccer player on our hands. He is SO active and it's sometimes painful how hard he kicks me in the ribcage. He also digs his head into my pelvis - it's crippling if I'm out walking or doing something with Nora. 
Food cravings: Gummy anything! Vanilla soft serve yogurt. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: No...but I've been having BAD heartburn after almost everything single thing I eat. I've gone through about 1/2 bottle of Tums. 
Food aversions: Not really. Dont love touching raw chicken still. Yuck. 
Have you started to show yet: YES! Pretty much thats the only thing people talk to me about recently - is my belly and how I'm feeling and when I'm due. Feeling like I'm starting to that adds to the interrogation from others. 
Gender: Little man Radford. Been even more excited recently about having a boy!!! 
Labor Signs: I've started having Braxton Hicks. I walked from our house to Safeway the other day - about a 15 minute walk, and I had 10-15 mini contractions during the walk. I was in a panic mode for a few minutes thinking my water was going to break, but then all was silent. I have them almost everyday now...usually in the middle of the day/early afternoon. They are sometimes crippling. 
Belly Button in or out? WAY outtie...even starting to smooth out into a nonexistent belly button now that my belly is SO large. 
Wedding rings on or off? On during the day, but at night I have to PULL my wedding ring off. I leave on my band just incase the next morning I cannot put the other one back on...I want to still be wearing something. 
Mood? Emotional. I haven't cried much during this pregnancy, but the past week has sent me into a tailspin. I've cried because Nora was crying. I've cried because nothing fits. I've cried because my ankle hurts. I've cried because I was tired. I've cried because Chaz didnt love a meal I made. I've cried at movies on tv. I've cried at the stress of packing. I've cried because I miss my mom. I've cried because Nora wouldn't nap. Pathetic.
Looking forward to: Being in our new house. We move on September 30th. The overwhelming feelings of packing/organizing a move when I'm 38 weeks pregnant keep me awake at night. I'm ready to just lay in bed and be pregnant at night. So, even though it's going to be crazy chaos once we get into the new house, I'll feel a little more settled and ready for his arrival. We've had to prepare for "What if he comes before move date" scenarios...I'm ready to have to NOT think about that anymore!!  

Friday, August 28, 2015

31, 32, 33!!

Week 31.

Week 32.

Week 33.

How far along? 33 weeks. Officially under 2 months left!! OMG!
Baby Size: 17 inches long, and weighs almost 4 pounds (about the size of a pineapple)...according to the internet. Though, Nora was only 5 lbs, 10 who knows how big/small this guy is gonna be. 
Total weight gain/loss: 28#. I have been sick for 5 days so I've lived on ginger ale, sprite, tea, soup and crackers. I've had no appetite at all...
Maternity clothes? Yup. My favorite thing to wear though, are my Costco pajama pants. :) And whenever we go out in public I have a major "fight" with my closet because I feel like I have NO regular "cute" clothes to wear besides cotton tshirts and workout pants. 
Stretch marks? Not really. I was obsessed with lotion when I was pregnant with Nora, but not this go around...I guess it didn't make that much of a difference last time. 
Sleep: I have a hard time going to sleep at night...I crave a snack around 1030. Then always wake up around 2/3 to go to the bathroom. I've been napping a lot recently...I put Nora down, do a few things around the house then sleep until she wakes me up. 
Best moment this week: I ordered a bunch of stuff off Amazon for Radford - towels, washcloths, blankets, sheets with a matching pillow, a sound machine, etc for his room. And I'm SO excited about moving so I can set his room up before he arrives! I also ordered a bunch of board books and puzzles for a basket I'm making Nora as a "big sister gift" for when he arrives. So I'm anxiously waiting for everything to arrive! Shopping online when you have become an insomniac is dangerous!! 
Worst moment this week: Last week Nora had a cold. She gave her cold to me, but it turned into a sinus infection coupled with a horrible cough. I started taking Tylenol head congestion but nothing stronger because of being pregnant, obviously. I gave my virus back to Nora and she was diagnosed with a double ear infection! (Second one in 6 weeks!) I took her to ChickFilA after leaving the doctor to get us milkshakes...because icecream makes everything better, right? I get home and I'm walking down the sidewalk to our house and she pukes her milkshake ALL over me, herself and her "bed buddies" that went to the doctor with us. 
Miss Anything?  Sleeping like a normal person - especially since I'm a stomach sleeper. Hugging people without having to stick my butt out so I don't bump them with the bump. Walking up stairs without getting completely winded (pathetic). A glass of wine after a long day. 
Movement: ALL the time. Nora as a "roller" and had slow and controlled movements in my belly. Radford is WILD and kicks/punches me all the time. He will stretch out and dig his head into my pelvis and his feet into my ribcage - sometimes it's literally crippling to where I have to stop what i'm doing and push him into a different position. 
Food cravings: Vanilla pudding is top of the list. Nothing really though, since I've been sick. Pizza is probably top of the list of things I'd like to eat at some point this weekend.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No, but I'm starting to have horrible heartburn all the time...and it's not in my chest, it's all the way up in my throat. Horrible. :(
Food aversions: Smoothies - I had WAY too many of them in the past few weeks that now the thought of one makes me want to puke. Also, I made shrimp tacos one night and the shrimp dripped into my fridge making the house smell like fish. I deep cleaned the fridge and threw the rest of the shrimp out, but I still feel the smell lingering. The idea of eating fish grosses me out!
Have you started to show yet: OH YEAH! And I feel like I've started the pregnant woman waddle. Certain things I wear make me look more large than others. 
Gender: Boy! Really enjoying looking at boy stuff on Pinterest, Etsy and when I'm out running errands. 
Labor Signs: No, but my sciatic nerve has been acting up and is a shooting pain in my butt - literally. It makes my lower back really tight and uncomfortable to sit for long periods of time. 
Belly Button in or out? Totally an outtie...which Nora is obsessed with touching. 
Wedding rings on or off? On. BUT...I take them off at night because my hands swell when I sleep. When I wake up to go to the bathroom, I try and drink an entire glass of water to help with the swelling. 
Mood? Pathetic. I'm a go-go-go person, so being sick and having a sick kiddo this week has really slowed me down. We barely did any activities outside of the house, I barely workout at all, I cooked one day and I napped every day. Just feeling lazy and boring. Ready to get back into the swing of things next week. Hoping to have one last push of energetic-nesting moments so I can pack and get us ready to move in 5 weeks!! 
Looking forward to: MOVING!! We close 17 days before my due date. Anxious to get somewhat settled before we head to the hospital...I hate living out of boxes, so I'm ready to be in the place that we will bring him home to. 

Friday, August 7, 2015

27, 28, 29, 30!

Week 27.

Week 28.

Week 29.

Week 30.

How far along? 30 weeks!!!! ONLY 10 more to go!
Baby Size: 15.7 inches long, and weighs almost 3 pounds (about the size of a large cabbage).
Total weight gain/loss: 26#. I lost a few lbs because it was so hot and I was running every day, but gained them back because all I want to eat are carbs. Go figure. 
Maternity clothes? Most of the time. I still have a few things (like this 30 week picture shirt) that fit over the belly because it was flowy when I wasn't pregnant. It's so hot here, though, that I feel like I rotate through about 7-8 shirts and that's about it. 
Stretch marks? Sadly, the ones I got with Nora are returning. They are in between my legs...which I guess don't really matter because no one can really see those. :)
Sleep: I wake up EVERY night around 12:30 or 1am to go to the bathroom. Sometimes I'm hungry and have a snack while watching HGTV - which I'm obsessed with right now.
Best moment this week: This wasn't really about me (or Radford) but we bought Nora a plastic kitchen for a "big girl" gift and she's OBSESSED with it!! She's learning how to pretend with eating/drinking and we are working on all the names of foods. She sees me cooking so much, that she's starting to mimic me in her kitchen - it's precious. 
Worst moment this week: I had a major hot flash during our home inspection on the new place and I felt like I was going to pass out. I had been at the pool earlier that day and I dont think I ate or drank enough. I didnt realize how famished I was until it was too late...I laid down on the sellers chair, chugged a bottle of water and inhaled 2 lara bars hoping the pain in my stomach would go away. It lasted about 5 hours that night. Chaz was out of town for work, so I bathed Nora and put her to bed then laid in fetal position in my bed all night. It was miserable. 
Miss Anything?  Being able to workout without feeling like I'm's WAY harder to incorporate fitness into this pregnancy. I seriously get out of breath walking up a flight of stairs or a hill in the park. 
Movement: ALL the time. Mostly when I'm hungry and around 930 at night he goes WILD.
Food cravings: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, chicken salad (man, I wish we lived hear O'Carrs in Bham...I'd eat that every day!) and iced coffee from THB. And I'd really love a super cold beer after having all these HOT, long days recently. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope. Yay!
Food aversions: Haven't been craving red meat like normal - a hamburger or steak doesn't tempt me at all. 
Have you started to show yet: MAJORLY! People I don't know if public like to talk to my about when I'm due, how am I feeling, what I'm having, how am I going to manage two so close together, am I counting down the weeks (yes!), etc. 
Gender: Little man Radford...attempting to teach Nora how to say "Rad"...right now it comes out at "Raaa". 
Labor Signs: No, but I have dull pains almost every day in my lower back and upper thighs that resemble period cramps. Doctor said to just monitor them, make sure they don't last more than 30 minutes, drink LOTS of water and rest when I can. 
Belly Button in or out? Totally an outtie. 
Wedding rings on or off? On. 
Mood? Depends on the day and time. Some days I have super mommy energy, some days I just want to stay in my pjs all day. Some days I'm laid back, some days I'm super uptight and have a mile long "to-do" list. I'm all over the map. I'm having a hard time just resting during Nora's nap time...I get overwhelmed thinking this is a time that I need to be doing something productive, then I'm exhausted...which is counterproductive.
Looking forward to: Going to Atlanta next weekend - seeing family and friends. Also...buying stuff for his nursery. We've decided to do a nautical, crabs, whales - navy, white and red. I'm way excited!

And just because I talked about this in the last two ankle is still pretty miserable. I attempt to drink TONS of water, wear my compression socks whenever I'm not in public and elevate at night when watching tv. I'm still in a lot of pain, of course working out makes it worse, and when Nora accidentally steps on it while we are playing I'm scream bloody murder. I'm open to receiving any and all prayers for the pain to be reduced, if not completely go away the minute I deliver this little dude. Thanks in advance! 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Weeks 23-26!!

Week 23.

Week 24.

Week 25.

Week 26.

How far along? 26 weeks (Actually turned 26 weeks on July 10th)
Baby Size: 14" long and 1 2/3 lbs!! 
Total weight gain/loss: 26#. OMG....yes, that's a lb a week since the beginning. #depressed
Maternity clothes? Practically daily - unless I'm wearing workout clothes that stretch (but it's so hot that those aren't always comfortable) or a pre-pregnancy loose fitting dress. 
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep:  I'm exhausted during the day and have developed pregnancy insomnia. I literally stay away until midnight or later EVERY night. And Nora wakes between 5-6am I live in a constant state of exhaustion. The doctor did tell me today that I can try taking a benedryl ever now and then to help me get some much needed sleep. Maybe this weekend!! 
Best moment this week: Nora has become a real parrot! Everything we say, she tries to say. I love hearing her tiny voice...most recently her favorite word: Bob Bob (sponge bob)! Every time she sees a tv she points at it and screams for Bob Bob then starts dancing. 
Worst moment this week: No particular moment stands out as bad for the ankle is still really bad. I had an ultrasound on my left leg last week and I have a follow up appointment next week. I'm guessing I'll be fitted for a compressing sleeve (SEXY I know) sometime soon. The worst is when I've been sitting or laying for more than an hour and I stand too quickly - sends a shooting pain into my ankle. It's miserable. 
Miss Anything?  All of my clothes that use to fit. Wearing cute shoes - we took a couple mile walk this weekend and I wore some Target thong flats and by the end of the walk I wanted to die - my arches were killing me. I pretty much wear tennis shoes or these Sketcher athletic slip on shoes every single day. I need the support.
Movement: All the time!! He moves when I'm hungry. He moves right after I finish a workout. He moves when I'm laying in bed at night. He's sitting lower than Nora was, so I have a constant dull pressure on my right sciatic nerve making my butt/lower back always achy. 
Food cravings: Chocolate. Smoothies - make one every day: spinach, avocado, banana, peanut butter, ice and water. YUM! Cheese. And most recently Pizza. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not a huge fan of touching raw chicken anymore. 
Food aversions: Don't crave red meat like I do when I'm not pregnant. Maybe because I'm taking more vitamins now or maybe because I'm not lifting as much? 
Have you started to show yet: OMG yes...already starting to feel like I waddle. :(
Gender: BOY!!!!!!! We've decided on the name Radford Chaz Tillman. 
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? Totally an outtie. 
Wedding rings on or off? On. 
Mood? Hormonal. We've started entertaining the idea of buying a house before he comes in 14 weeks - yes, I know we are crazy. So thinking about that process, added onto being constantly tired, and starting to feel HUGE (add in that I dont have a ton of clothing options which is stressful) is a nasty combination to make me cry at the drop of a pin.
Looking forward to: Planned a trip to Atlanta to visit family/friends one last time before he arrives in mid-August. Excited to see everyone because it will be the last traveling I do until after the new year. 

Friday, June 12, 2015

Weeks 19, 20, 21, 22!

19 Weeks.

20 weeks.

21 Weeks.

22 Weeks.

How far along? 22 weeks
Baby Size: 11" long, and 1 lb...about the size of a spaghetti squash.
Total weight gain/loss: 19# and counting. :(
Maternity clothes? OH YEAH! My 22 week picture dress was pre-pregnancy. :) It's SO hot all I want to wear are dresses and baggy blowzy clothes...need to invest in some maternity dresses soon. 
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep:  Depends on the day. We've been so busy recently that I pass out at night and don't think I even roll over. Nora has been waking up in the middle of the night, or way early in the on those days, I obviously don't sleep well. Also, I've been trying to tackle a long to-do list of things during nap time recently, so I haven't napped much myself. I'm in a constant state of exhaustion. 
Best moment this week: Chaz came home earlier than normal one day, and I got the opportunity to run in the park without the stroller! It was awesome. I was sweating like crazy and I'm sure people were concerned for the pregnant lady huffing it up the hill but I needed that endorphine rush. Was WAY better than the home workouts in the office or running in the park with a heavy stroller. 
Worst moment this week: A few things...I've had (what I think) is a sinus infection for over a week now. And two mornings in a row, I had horrible nose bleeds. I can barely breath at night and there is really nothing I can take. AND...for the past few weeks I've been having a horrible varicose vein in my ankle - so bad this week that I talked to the doctor about it and they are referring me to a vein surgery specialists. Go for ultrasound and appointment in two weeks to have that looked at. Prayers it's nothing major. And if I need to wear an ulgy compression sock, hopefully that will relieve my pain. 
Miss Anything? Winter.'s SO hot. I'm always sweating. And I miss my long hair - there are so many days I want to just throw my hair into a ponytail and go and instead I feel like I look like a hot mess with it short. And recently, I've been craving a REALLY cold beer. I smell Chaz's beer every time he opens one. 
Movement: Every night around 9pm he gets crazy. 

Food cravings: Greek yogurt...with anything: peanut butter, granola, fruit, chocolate chips. And really cold fruit - pineapple, cherries, watermelon. Oh, and crystal light. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: No, not really, thankfully!
Food aversions: Nope. I want it all. I'm constantly hungry!!
Have you started to show yet: Yes!! I feel HUGE even though I probably don't look it to the rest of the world. We went to the pool over Memorial Day weekend and I said I was pregnant to this random girl I was talking to and she goes "no way?!"...that was an ego boost because I was NOT feeling confident in my maternity one piece swimsuit. 
Gender: BOY!!!!!!! No names yet, but we have a few we are playing around with. 
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? Unfortunately, it's starting to be an outtie. Nora loves to pull my shirt up and press on my belly button...apparently it's hilarious to her. 
Wedding rings on or off? On. 
Mood? Tired. But I've been less emotional that I was the past few weeks! I need a weekend of relaxing to help catch up on sleep. 
Looking forward to: Shopping for brother. I've received a few boy clothes from mom and friends, but I haven't done any shopping myself. Excited to go spoil him a little bit. 

Friday, May 15, 2015

Tiny2.0 Weeks 16-18

Week 16.

Week 17.

Week 18.

How far along? 18 weeks!
Baby Size: Baby is the size of a bell pepper. 
Total weight gain/loss: 15 lbs. :( Oops.....At this rate, I'm going to gain 40#!!
Maternity clothes? Yes! Bought 3 pair of Lululemon shorts in a size up, 3 pair of casual shorts, bought a few tank tops, and borrowed a TON of clothes from 3 different friends - haven't worn much of it yet...BUT I have options now! My pre-maternity (lower half of the body) clothes are too tight...but most of my tank tops, button up shirts and dresses still fit. Yay for flowy clothes being in fashion! 
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep: Wake up almost every night for 30-45 minutes and have a hard time going back to sleep. Also started sleeping with a body pillow since I'm typically a stomach sleeper. Having to get use to that...though I sometimes wake up on my stomach and have a mini freak out. 
Best moment this week: Hearing #2's heartbeat again. With Nora I had 8 ultrasounds during the pregnancy, with this one they only plan to do 3 total. So, it's always reassuring to hear those tiny thumps to let you know everything is ok in there. 
Miss Anything? Regular coffee and deli turkey. Oh and crossfit workouts. 
Movement: A little bit, but it's really random - mostly at night when I'm sitting down.
Food cravings: Granola, bagels, peanut butter and icecream (soft serve) and cheese. I lived on cheese and crackers weeks 5-10 and then didn't want it for weeks. Now I'm back to wanting dairy again. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Randomly, but nothing compared to weeks 5-10.
Food aversions: I typically crave salads and veggies and I'm not having aversions to them, just not having any interest in them. 
Have you started to show yet: Oh yeah...hello belly. (And thighs.)
Gender: Still think it's a girl based on the dream I had.
Labor Signs: Nope 
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On! Loose actually.
Mood? Excited! But VERY tired at the end of each day. Recently I'll lay down for a few minutes while Nora is napping - even if I don't sleep, it's nice to rest. 
Looking forward to:  Finding out the gender on June 3rd!! YAY! 

I run and/or walk at least 3 miles almost every single day. I also try to do a home WODs 3x a week. Getting motivated to do it while Nora is sleeping is the hardest thing. Plus if I don't do it before noonish, I'm too tired later in the day. Nora definitely keeps me that she likes to wear shoes (Praise Jesus!!) she prefers to RUN everywhere and hates to be stroller bound. So we've spent a ton of time at the park. I'm sure most of my days will be spent in workout clothes. 

I've made a list of things to do see/do in and around Baltimore so Nora and I are hoping to have weekly adventures to help break up the normal routine and get me out of the house. If I stay in the house too much, I've found myself going stir crazy and then freaking out and deep cleaning everything. Next week's adventures...the fountains in the inner harbor and strawberry picking. Will report back when I have pictures. :) 

Weeks 5-10ish (when I was SO nauseous) made me feel like 2.0 was a boy. BUT, now that everything is starting to feel like it did last pregnancy, I'm thinking it might be a girl again. We haven't started talking to Nora about the baby in mommy's belly yet...we decided once I really start to show and we've learned the sex (maybe around 6 months) we'd start talking with her more about her new sibling. She's just so precious...I'm trying to enjoy my time with one and spoil her a little. 

And another picture from 18 weeks because I know no one wants to see my bare belly anymore. :)